2.1 What's Your Level?
What's Your Level?
We’re going to start putting some puzzle pieces together this week. Armed with your previous “Learning list” (Module 1), you’ll read through this week’s assignment and comb through the pieces you’ve learned in the last 6 months to a year, trying to determine what grade levels they are. You’ll be able to find some pieces in the syllabus; with others, you’ll have to guess or ignore.
From there you’ll be able to determine what specific level you’re at (even if it’s a best guess), and what general level you’re at (for example, early intermediate or late beginner). This is crucial information to have and it’ll make your repertoire decision-making much more accurate going forward. You’ll be able to select pieces at, above or below your level with confidence, instead of throwing darts in the dark.
Following is the reading assignment - go through that first, and then I'll provide the RCM Syllabus Database as a useful resource for sleuthing out grade levels (but do use other resources available mentioned in the reading assignment).
Reading Assignment
Use the RCM Syllabus below, and other resources mentioned in the reading assignment, to find the grade levels for some/all of your pieces. Fill in as many gaps as you can, and do a "best guess" for those you aren't too sure of. If you have a piano teacher, they can help you with this process as well. You'll be writing these grade levels on your "Learning List" sheets (see Module 1).