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Complete Path for Piano Teachers
1. Getting Started
1.0: Welcome to the Complete Path for Piano Teachers Course!
1.0: My Story
1.1: Your Experience and Credentials
1.2: Joining Organizations
1.3: Your Teaching Style and Philosophy
1.4: Assessing Your Strengths and Weaknesses
1.5: Finding Your First Students
2. Preparing To Teach Piano Lessons
2.0: Introduction to This Section
2.1: Setting Up Your Studio
2.2: Creating Your Schedule
2.3: Creating Your Studio Policies Document
2.4: Financial Aspects of Teaching
2.5: Creating General Lesson Plans
3. The First Meeting
3.0: Introduction to This Section
3.1: Plan the Meeting
3.2: Forms for the First Meeting
3.3: Materials for the First Lesson
4. Teaching the First Lesson and Beyond
4.0: Introduction to this Section
4.1: Materials You'll Need
4.2: Handouts for the Student
4.3: Introducing Incentive Materials
4.4: Having a Great First Lesson Plan
4.5: Modifying Lesson Plans as You Go
5. Goal Setting and Planning
5.0: Introduction to This Section
5.1: Goal Setting Each Term
5.2: Setting the Schedule for Each Year
5.3: Quirks of Summer Lessons
6. Recitals, Exams and Festivals
6.0: Introduction to This Section
6.1: Putting Together Your First Recital
6.2: Sending Students to Music Festival
6.3: Sending Students to Examinations
7. Teaching Online Lessons
7.0: Introduction to This Section
7.1: Pros and Cons of Online Teaching
7.2: Recruiting Students
7.3: Choosing Your Tech
8. Resources
Concluding Thoughts
8 Tips for Piano Teachers
Audio Downloads
Worksheet Downloads
Resource Downloads
Piano Teaching A-Z: Webinar August 14, 2021
1.5: Finding Your First Students
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